Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

wave rider

i was riding in a 30 foot yacht
dropping over the giant wave
when i saw my face in reflection
and realized i didn't shave
i reached down for my cell phone
which was hanging from my belt
and called my stylist in new jersey
about the whiskers that i felt
but my sail was causing problems
and had to be withdrawn
because the winds were whipping stiffly
and would continue til the dawn
so no connection could be made
as i scrambled to my feet
and furled that sail in record time
to a hip Jamaican beat
i slipped down to the galley
and found supper cooking there
then i closed the hatch and rested
with wet clutter everywhere
i felt the current warming
when i hit the Gulf stream flow
and set the autopilot
to tell the boat which way to go
then in the morning dawning
i saw the rudder true
not much sleep the night before
there's so much more to do
this ocean is relentless
it never tires as people will
& weather is always changing
so the challenge is the appeal.
i know i'm not like Lindbergh
nor is Paris on my mind
i'm heading for the Mediterranean
and a destiny to find
and you?

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself