Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Thursday, May 7, 2009

7 mad lovers

i have seven mad lovers
naked in my bed
a backpack with a sleeping bag
and a pillow for my head.
a book with all the secrets
resting open on my lap
is my favorite source of knowledge
with it's history and a map
which points the way to Paradise
but i might not want to see
(since i'm feeling pretty decent now)
all those memories chasing me.
i have a glass in my right hand
filled with scotch and ice
and a deeper appreciation
for what it is that's nice.
i'm writing when i need to
and about things socially
without exaggeration
i can say it truthfully
there's never been a finer time
to write it down and smile
and i'm hoping i'm the good old boy
who sticks around awhile.
i have seven mad lovers
naked on my nose
a vision of a painted eye
and a pencil for my prose.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
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