Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

morbid obesity

where do they get these asses?
do they all just buy them at a store?
i don't remember seeing so many waddle
as they maneuver through the door
sideways in some extreme cases.
i guess the idea of exercise has vanished
since i can't find it on their faces.
certainly the excess food must swell
like an ocean wave for miles and miles
& make their comfort level HELL.
roll upon roll of human fat
sags and sways from this to that
no rhythm in any hip hop sense
this flesh is cold & thick & dense.
has modern beauty redefined its' part?
can this weight be good for a normal heart?
and how does one fill a tub with water
knowing blubber like a carcass to slaughter
will enfold the pores and hide the dirt?
just using a towel has got to hurt!

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
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