Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

what will my country do?

or are you sitting on the fence
since we've come a long ways
fighting from the roof tops
listening to the conductor call out the stops
exiting and entering the maze
when it seemed the right thing to do
we ran from the false gods and embraced the rational true
and so i have a passing question for you
are you willing to gamble on a roll-the-dice ramble?
are we living in a free land with rules
or are we only consumers and slaveholder's tools?
well don't look around
the little guys might be stealing your ground
obedient small men are sneaking up without a warning sound
and they'll grab you by the scruff of your neck
toss you complaining and shrug "Well, what the heck!"
they'll sink the ship of state and hang you on the quarter deck
and it could be a fine Sunday and you'll hear your neighbor curse
but the priest is a sinner and his bishop is much worse
a child abuser and a known mysterious user
but the president is the greater fool
using his ignorance like a tyrants penetrating tool
his boys with their guns come knocking at your door
and it's no use hiding on your bedroom floor
there's no safe haven anymore:
they hear you talk and watch you walk
and if you don't complain
you'll be forever stuck in the slow lane
they're passing gas and passing fast
and the stink is like a big city garbage dump
well, Mr donald j. trump
women are more than a piece of meat to hump
and the rule of law
is more than a missed phone call:
i'm gonna take my dog to the nearest mountain top
if she sees a running rabbit she'll never stop
i'll have water and a bite to eat
a sunshade hat to ease the afternoon heat
and i won't miss you
but what will my country do?

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself