Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Mandolin Wind

a few patches
of hair
here and there
and color
with a hem and a haw
a bit of dye
and a passing why
a second sketchbook
is what it took
before the third
a ram's head
or a happy man
showing skin at a local park
arranging his basket lunch
ripe tomatoes and an apple
picked from the dwarf tree
the orchard nearby
beguiling and gently
Ronnie Wood smiled
"Mandolin Wind; it's wild!"
Rod Stewart
whispered not too vainly,
"It will be instantly salable!"
and my fruit dish
brimming with flavors
was my first of that summer
i arranged the table cloth
with clean napkins and a large paper plate
which made me feel great
an additional instrument
was her soft voice
a 12 string
with a melodious ring
rather more subdued
than the British rockers
her outline in muted colors
tickled the fine grass
she peeled my apple
and gave me a piece
i grabbed a tomato
and watched what happened
when i gave her a squeeze;
she said please
and we talked for almost a hundred years.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself