Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Watergate was playing again

the faithful jester
came to the podium
and gave his spiel;
i expected him to do no less!
in gratitude,
i said he seemed real,
but he was a phony
dispatched to lie and cheat
and do whatever,
while the star of the show
stayed hidden out of sight,
trying to act clever.
he ate two scoops of ice cream
and fired the Director of the FBI
before ten.
the public heard the news
and wondered if Watergate
was playing again.
but this was a new ballet
with gestures of the hands,
a dance of deceit
with obstruction and ego
tossing ethical standards of conduct
out into the street.
and to cure a headache
i asked the Russians to explain
what they knew;
they said to check the tapes,
the tax returns,
and how his modest fortune grew
into a mighty pile of dough;
like a mountain topped with snow;
like a belly filled with sweets.
he stands and greets
his interviewer with a smile
and says
"i'll let you live for a little while
and your news is fake;
my supporters are the reason
i'll never be tried for treason
or for being incompetent"
and in that he finally spoke some truth.
James Comey before he was axed
said the boss wanted loyalty
and wouldn't accept simple honesty.
the CIA
stayed inside to play
and an independent investigation
might be launched or might be killed
and the waiting public
being conned
were no longer acting thrilled.
it was a time for the adults
to clean the romper room
to end the dangerous show,
but they couldn't seem to agree
on a single unifying direction
in which to go.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself