Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Friday, May 5, 2017

we weren't going to go anywhere

i'm gonna give you the latest word
and it'll probably be the worse thing you've ever heard
but it's better than a field knife
taking away your precious life
or that stale oatmeal cookie
the day you decided to play school hooky
or the afternoon we watched the rising moon
by our secret lakeside shore
when we heard about the start of yet another world war;
we meditated on the bloody grass,
skipping class,
and we feared they would take away our fine horse.
but of course
there are better ways to die,
kissing the sky!
you and i kept wondering why
the stars came out at night;
for a moment things seemed to be alright.
a breeze blew and we tried to stand tall
it wasn't an easy thing and i saw you fall
there was a moment when i almost lost my shoe
but we lost ourselves and didn't know what more to do:
too many men came into our tent and wouldn't go away!
they read a proclamation which gave them permission to stay!
we wouldn't allow ourselves to pray
but in your bag you found an American Indian arrowhead
while i pretended to be dead
you sang your song and washed your hair
we knew we weren't going to go anywhere
and in the latest news
we heard how young lovers with nothing to lose
in the City of Men are encouraged to choose
between darkness and the ever more growing dark:
a strange walk in an overgrown park.
you sang your song and washed your hair
we knew we weren't going to go anywhere.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself