Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Friday, February 17, 2017

the Empire bombed the doors

Gerald was the fancy one
Sarah the pain in his ass
he offered her a taste of champagne
but she smashed the crystal glass,
they walked down a busy street
on a stormy Friday night;
he tried to explain their romance
but he could never make it right.
and when they came to an intersection
where the barricades still stood tall,
he asked her what she loved the most
and she could never recall;
then a woman with a legal guide,
immigration papers in her hand,
asked Sarah for directions
but she failed to understand
once upon a time in America
a man could take a wife
and she became a partner
and they'd work to make a life;
their dream was a family night
when no one hid out of sight;
no constant humming of Star Wars
when the evil Empire bombed the doors
and rebels yelled and ran
to find an honest man.
Gerald was the fancy one
Sarah the pain in his ass
he offered her a taste of champagne
but she smashed the crystal glass,
so they walked down a busy street
on a stormy Friday night;
he tried to explain their romance
but he could never get it right.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself