Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Saturday, February 11, 2017

he drew her heart

she had been painted by him.
he drew her heart!
he loved her so much,
almost from the very start;
and he was highly amused
when she sat on the beach;
he reached for her
but she swam out of reach,
picked up a shell;
it smelled of the sea
so he grabbed her,
sat her on his knee
and told her
he wanted to see her everyday.
but she took it slow;
she didn't want to stay.
he became breathless
and left her for a drink
while she went to the hotel
to clear her head and think.
though it was already night
it would soon be noon.
he asked her when she would be ready
and she told him soon,
so he fell quiet in the garden
not far from the busy street.
the dirt was fertile;
it smelled of freshly washed feet.
and she grew in his memory;
she walked inside his head.
he loved what she was dreaming of
and everything she said.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
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