Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Blue Moon Boys

in Tennessee
i left the freeway
and climbed the big backyard tree
once owned by Elvis Presley
before he hit the sack
of an apparent heart attack
he had a collection of fancy Cadillac
with a mom and dad all the way from Tupelo
the Blue Moon Boys put on quite a jail house show
and they had quite a long drive, you know,
before Elvis threw his gyrating hips out of joint
trying to make a famous black & white point
at the lonely Heartbreak Hotel
he had a special wishing well
filled with nothing but blue suede shoes
which made it easy for him to choose
so, baby, do anything you want to do
in Tennessee
but don't play hard ball games with Rockabilly boys
they'll hit you with a Chuck Berry tune and dazzle with their toys
flying all the way to Nashville
they'll eat until they get their fill
of Memphis and the Now or Never Pill
with rhythm and blues and an old hound dog
in Tennessee
they don't eat much frog.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself