Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Saturday, February 25, 2017

let's see where it goes!

i gave you my hand
and you touched my face
i asked you for a second bite
and you gave me a first taste
as we walked along the waterfront
the cobbled streets kept us on our toes
a shooting star shot far over our heads
and you said "Let's see where it goes!"
so we went into a back alleyway where
a bakery smelled like fresh bread
and the baker shouted when we made inquiries
that she didn't hear exactly what we said
then there was a bar near where we were
that had an open seat or two
and we were surprised to find that our appetites
knew what they'd like us to do
when there was a steady wind
and the afternoon threat of rain
while i sipped my beer you a ginger ale
and you spoke of your pain
you've been through a rough period
and all i could do was pick up the check
wiping my hands with the clean napkin
i was guilty of eating sloppily and neglect
but we are all happily imperfect
being everything that we possibly could
and when you wanted to go knocking
we found a handy piece of wood
and hit it as hard as our fingers allowed
before the approaching storm cloud
and the heavy rain and hail
forced the power launches and the sail
into the nearest safe anchorage
where we were waiting
in whispers and still together
dressed for success
in any type of weather.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself