Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Monday, February 20, 2017

fly him to the moon

hey, why be pissed
someday maybe even he'll be missed
but not anytime soon
fly him to the moon
let the lack of air keep him there
with his orange hair
and the people running in full scream
so unlike any cartoon dream
it's a full blown nightmare
but why should anyone care?
putting on the ninth green
Mr. Grinch and Mr. Mean
and i'm wondering how to keep score
the Middle East had it's share of war
in two-part harmony
from sea to shining sea
the center of the Universe
is more than a coin-filled purse
but for friends they have the crackers,
the Russian thugs and hackers
in the wild and wooly west wing
what romance songs do they sing?
do they memorize the whole thing?
hey, take a prolonged break
separate the real from the obvious fake
look left and look right
it's natural to pick a fight
with a moron and his flacks
if asked a question they turn their backs
and say i don't know
it's the Howdy Doody Show
and here we are now
sitting like a snow plow
in a place where the space race
in a trance and at a pace
has already been run
and i'm watching the mid-day sun
but it's midnight
my chest is getting tight
humanity has yet to be civilized
and i wonder if they ever realized
that last page is being turned
what have they learned?
hey, why be pissed
someday maybe even he'll be missed
but not anytime soon
fly him to the moon
let the lack of air keep him there
with his orange hair
and the people running in full scream
so unlike any cartoon dream
it's a full blown nightmare
but why should anyone care?

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself