Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Khe Sanh

it was a dark night
on a distant hill
the bad ass hombres
were looking to kill
and i was just a little fart
not much taller than an apple cart
with a big mean gun
and i knew it wouldn't be much fun
diving into my trench
sprayed with graffiti mostly written in French
which said 'Welcome to Khe Sanh'
but i put my combat helmet on
and dove when the B-40 rockets flew
i saw other Marines and i knew
we'd stick together shooting at the charging bad guys
while the Air Force, Navy, AC-130 Spooky, shit, everything that flies
were buzzing the mountain air
and shrapnel from explosions ripped everywhere
soft flesh and muddy red ground
hell, i kept firing and looked around
and the smoke was thick
i wondered if i'd get sick
but this was no time to act weak
my anger began to peak
when i saw fellow soldiers fall
and heard that damn bugle call
the bad ass hombres started to crawl
onto the Command Post sand bags
their once new uniforms ripped like rags
from the barbed wire strung outside our lines
and the napalm and buried mines
and artillery shells and morter rounds
kept a nightmarish pounding and the warrior sounds
ringing in my ear
i knew i had nothing to fear.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself