Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

baby you're all mine

never once saw a new leaf fall
but i heard an old wind blow
looked out my bedroom window
and a woman with big brown eyes
came and took me by surprise
she said it was getting late
and true to form i had to hesitate
the rains came and i felt cold
i started wet and never got warm
all night we watched it storm
in the morning i heard her say
"Tell me baby you're all mine,
that everything is gonna be fine!"
and i heard music at my front door
it sounded good but i wasn't sure
from the back door i felt a shake
i took everything i could take
and ran naked to the street
she followed in the footprints of my feet:
a saxophone player played the blues
he wore a pair of blue suede shoes
he followed me with jaundiced eye
his drummer hit me with a stick
i watched him try a second trick
i dodged that blow and made him miss
the woman gave me a second kiss
"Tell me baby you're all mine,
that everything is gonna be fine!"
and i felt warm and grabbed my clothes
she kissed my head, i kissed her toes
she moved closer to adjust my tie...
it took some time and i wondered why.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself