Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Alone On The Street

I've been around for a tour of the whole wide world
saw a young girl mainly alone on the street
saw an older man use her for his afternoon treat
heard him moan and heard him groan
saw the young girl running away on bloody feet
i still have my memory from that day
find it hard to know what more to say
Went to a place which money people called home
saw an old woman mainly without any place to stay
passing people dealt her cards but she couldn't get up to play
heard her moan and heard her groan
saw the passing people look before walking away
i still have my memory from that day
find it hard to know what more to say
I went looking for a river flowing gently to the sea
found a little boy building castles in the sand and he looked just like me
in the shadows of the night he kept asking to be free
when the sun was burning red and the moon could no longer fly
he would still be lost in darkness and his mother would still cry
heard him moan and heard him groan
i asked him for another chance but he would no longer try
i still have my memory from that day
find it hard to know what more to say
Went to a battlefield where the hardest men killed the softest dreams
saw skinny lovers inside a tattered uniform
saw the barbed wire fences growing heavy and forlorn
heard them moan and heard them groan
tried to save their hearts but they were already torn
i still have my memory from that day
find it hard to know what more to say.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself