Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Sunday, November 22, 2015

in the shower stall

in the shower stall
she took another fall
stuck herself with a sharp pin
felt the warmth deepen underneath her skin.
so very very drunk today
well, at three in the morning
there was hell to pay,
but she gave nothing to her lovers
that she didn't take away.
an old mattress in the backyard
blood stains in her sink
spent time dreaming
never stopping to think.
schoolgirl and a track star
a sensation on the beach
needles and blue bottles
she kept them within reach.
playing with her postcards,
ripe bodies on the bed;
party goers sleeping,
there was nothing to be said.
in the shower stall
she took another fall
stuck herself with a sharp pin
felt the warmth deepen underneath her skin.
so very very drunk today
well, at three in the morning
there was hell to pay,
she gave nothing to her lovers
that she didn't take away.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself