Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Saturday, November 7, 2015


Honey drove her new ambulance
all the way to the Friday night dance
on the far North Shore
she met her former lover at an open front door
where they locked wild eyes
under brilliant California skies
i heard they drove down to old Mexico
and watched an early strip show
they rolled in the sand on a resort beach
kept close together but stayed out of public reach
danced themselves into a rage
on a crazy Cancun stage
before heading to bed when their eyes turned red
the lights went low while they planned where to go
their next step was over the sheer canyon wall
in Arizona where a misstep would result in a fall
they went down a narrow path carefully and slow
Honey found a river boat and they began to row
crossing the blue Atlantic in a bit of a panic
they tried to get as far away as they could
into a Mediterranean island wood
garlic and bread,
on red wine and each other they fed
Honey found an ink shop and got her first dragon tattoo
her lover asked for one, too
in Italian they had words stenciled dark and fine:
"I'll be yours and you'll be mine!"
they soon surfaced in London riding a ferris wheel,
drove a 1948 Rolls Royce and made the white-walled tires squeal,
saw Sir Paul McCartney who played his bass guitar
on Saville Row and they didn't travel far
to get to the left bank of Paris where Honey wore a black beret
what more should i say?
Honey drove her new ambulance
to Stockholm from the border of France
and in Sweden they found a place to rest
they put on their Sunday best,
held hands and broke out in song.
it took years to get there but it didn't feel that long.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself