Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

John Lee, the awful bearer of the future as history

John Lee,

what is your morning song?

you're doing everything wrong,

by the way.

do you even hear what the citizens say?

damn, simply sad for Hong Kong!

once so free; 

busy with promise and prosperity;

the fresh sea breezes

wherein nothing ever freezes.

John Lee,

your future is now history.

but here is simply me

telling you what to do

with your newly enacted Article 23.

a man is not a tree

willing to be trimmed and cut,


I am now become your external interference

you are so worried about:

I wish you would hear the people's shout!

those self-motivated, sneering men in control who boss you around,

they won't hear (heed) the sound,

so why ought you?

right, I see what moves you around.

well, people will not be diminished

by your paper and your desperate pen scrawl

like graffiti on a midnight bathroom wall:

look, the lights of Hong Kong are growing dark.

flowers are dying in your Central Park!

what are YOU afraid of?

peace and love?

John Lee,

the awful bearer of the future as history:

black hearted man,

unable to take a stand

in support of freedom, peace and love.

John Lee, a grotesque example of MANKIND are you,

like rubbish stuck to the bottom of my dancing shoe.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself