Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Monday, March 11, 2024

a lot has been destroyed

yes, I am an American.

more than most, I also am an avid reader.

as many know, when I go shopping at any grocery store,

I'm always able to find cold milk.

other food items are also in abundance.

we only stand in line to make our purchases,

even when the self check-out is available.

our dreams can be simple when our bellies are filled,

and as Americans, we love to eat,

inside or outside.

at home, many Americans watch their TVs;

they find solace, sitting mesmerized.

the Truth can't be found on TVs,

a fact that doesn't seem to be upsetting.

but what pisses people off is when the electric

power dies:

a weather event often causes this temporary blackout.

when the TVs stop working,

a light flickers and minds fade even deeper into dullness.

Americans see war on their TVs.

The adults find it entertaining,

but the children go to their mobile devices to play games.

a lot has been destroyed in this world,

while here in America,

the winds blow warm and steady,

and early flowers bloom;

everybody assumes that life is good!

but so much reality is missed,

sometimes even the flowers cry,

 over  their own cold milk.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
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