Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Thursday, March 28, 2024

i watched Hamlet!

i watched Hamlet!

before his death he wondered how to be or not to be! 

Claudius killed Hamlet's father, but 
then he married the widowed mother, ex-wife of his brother. 

and i wondered if there were no other plot possible for Shakespeare,
or did all these events appear clearly delineated as he was walking,
deep in thought, alongside the Avon river?

later, i watched the Dali Lama announce he would resign, to
take up writing stage plays in a well-worn orange robe with his baby smile.

he wondered aloud if he could lock himself away in his private room for days on end,
crafting a human interest fable about his family heirloom table?
he had an idea about a maid named Mable who wears a small white apron, serves a human skull on a small white tray for her employer who was named Hamlet but on their very first rehearsal day,
Hamlet would die tragically after a brief sword fight.

the maid eventually serves herself and washes the supper dishes while the Dali Lama runs for President, once chasing several feral dogs around the Lincoln Memorial during a brief campaign stop.

he hears the dogs of war crying Havoc! 

and something more but before he can make sense of it all, an old gravedigger drops a noisy shovel while burying Ophelia in nearby Arlington National Cemetery.

everyone nearby of course stops to pray,
but i couldn't hear the eulogy or what they might have to say or not to say,
at the service,
far from the Avon river.

i highly recommend the play.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself