Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Saturday, March 2, 2024

a failure to communicate!

so the kindly old man isn't deemed cool!!

he's being tossed into a neglected swimming pool

even though his eventual substitute

is almost as old, wearing a fat man's suit,

with a claim to fame of being a heartless brute.

no, it doesn't seem fair 

that a nasty man with thinning orange hair

could captivate American voters with his tiny hands,

enthralling those minions sitting in the bleacher stands,

watching his con.

they know him as The Don.

well, the weekdays and the weekend,

like fine fabrics in need of a mend,

are unraveling before my eyes,

and to be honest it's a cruel surprise

that the recent opinion poll cries:

it's the huckster!  he's winning!  the medicine man is on the loose!

he's fingering the rope, counting the strands of the noose

he hopes to wrap around the neck

of a country he keeps referring to as a terrible wreck.

will there be no sweet melody

or remedy

for the home of the brave and the land of the free

when the doors completely close and the lights go dark?

will no flowers grow in the public park?

this country might eventually be filled with hate!

a failure to communicate!

no second opinions or debate!

will it really be too late?

is that the fate,

written on the western wall

before the fall?

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself