Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

remain in touch

she said she would remain in touch
i didn't think about it very much
at the time and went my way:
there was so much more to do and say
we both loved food and wine
she said she'd try to drop me a line
and i said don't bother i'll be fine.
outside there was a watercolor sky
i never knew that birds could fly so high
they disappeared into a solitary sun
blinding me as the day had just begun.
there was a knocking at my door
but i had already answered it once before
long ago and there was no one there.
she said she'd come in but didn't know where
i said it was nice to see your smile
she said she could only stay a little awhile:
that life was complex and no one knows
like a moon lit tide it comes and goes,
and in the winter wind a chill air blows.
outside there was a watercolor sky
i never knew that birds could fly so high
they disappeared into a solitary sun
blinding me as the day had just begun.
there was a knocking at my door
but i had already answered it once before
long ago and there was no one there.
she said she'd come in but didn't know where
we would remain in touch
i didn't think about it very much.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself