Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Monday, December 2, 2013

imagining a star

imagining a star
it's not who you want to be
it's what you are
in a big stretch limousine
that's not a car
your leather belt carried low on your hips
a fancy pearl necklace
strung out just below your lips
a former seamstress
full of charm inside your skin-tight dress
with Napoleonic looks
and a physical caress
imagining a star
it's not who you want to be
it's what you are
in a big stretch limousine
that's not a car
your celebrity fuels a contact high
an electric organ
wired for sound colors the sky
remaining in tune
introducing the last song too soon
with your love for wine and dine
and a well-used silver spoon
imagining a star
it's not who you want to be
it's what you are
in a big stretch limousine
that's not a car

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself