Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Monday, December 30, 2013

his old bone

went walking in my yard
the dog came along
he thought i was lonely
but he was wrong
although i could never tell him
i was thinking of you
he started sniffing around
for something better to do
i kept thinking of you
but that cat couldn't party
turned the volume down
i started dancing
never hearing a sound
the moon rose higher
stars popping out
the dog began howling
so i gave him a shout
he went walking in my yard
and i came along
i thought he was lonely
but i was wrong
he couldn't be bothered
and let it be known
he resumed his digging
found his old bone
went walking in my yard
the dog came along
he thought i was lonely
but he was wrong
although i could never tell him
i was thinking of you
he started sniffing around
for something better to do
i kept thinking of you

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
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