Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Tuesday, December 31, 2013


i went sipping wine
it was nothing exclusive
had it with a friend of mine
and he seldom shared a glass
so i felt pretty special
almost but not quite high class
it was an aged Pinot Noir
inside a fancy hotel
when i asked for advice
he told me he couldn't tell
with his arms crossed
yet i no longer cared
i put a towel around my neck
and simply stopped and stared
he might have been a candidate
but he couldn't part his hair
he tie was never neat
he overfilled his chair
he lived on shore front Jersey
near a sandy beach
where beer was always cold
but champagne was out of reach
and we began clapping
and heads all glanced our way
i grabbed a passing waiter
he tripped and dropped his tray
and lots of scattered shrimp
and a lady with purple lips
spread over the thick pile carpet
the waitstaff looked for tips:
happy hands and happy girls
noise makers, ice cream swirls
a chocolate mousse and brandy
hot coffee, sweet Jasmine tea
dad and mom with kids galore
a friendly maitre de by the door.
such a sight rarely seen
at the start of two thousand fourteen.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself