Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Saturday, August 10, 2013

the death of her vagina

the death of her vagina
was confirmed by the young doctor,
who was a descendant of the last King
from Hungary.
she offered to read his palm if he could
change her fate, but he was in a mad hurry
to visit a new asylum where there was every imaginable
disorder of life, so
he told her he would include her in a manuscript of his travels
if he ever got around to writing one.
she offered to be his screenwriter if he could
change her fate, but he said he didn't like the movies,
and, anyhow, any film couldn't be successful if all the actors
died before the final credits rolled.
he headed for the exit, and she again offered to read his palm if he could
changer her fate, but he told her he lost his
right hand in the Great War and wouldn't show her the left one
because it had killed a man.
not without ambivalence, he shook himself free and
pausing at the doorway from where he looked over his shoulder to
see her concerned face, he earnestly said,  "The only choice is to live!"

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself