Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Saturday, August 24, 2013

3 in the morning in Paris

he wore a tie with a starched collar,
and told me a thousand times
not to holler.
it seems i have no heart
since into the arms of the city of Paris
i went for a new start,
in through a half-French door
i went mostly to settle an old score.
stuffing myself with drink and smoke,
i got down to business;
headed south, went broke.
got to the corner of a crowded square
didn't know what to do when i got there!
but before i died,
i mounted a high horse and replied,
"My dear friends, I'm watching the death heads go by."
they kept swaying past exhaling a heavy sigh
at three in the morning.
i felt as strong as a bull!
without a fair warning
my face was made up like a laughing-stock fool.
it began to rain a thin winter mist.
a grieving woman nearby said she had never been kissed,
and i saw red and she saw blue.
what more can a color-blind boy do?
i straddled her stairs and flew
sniffing and tapping my heels in the street,
completely out of the chill and into the heat:
a vulgar nuisance and a potential cheat.
i jumped into a passing taxi and the hard back seat
leaving the warmth for some solitary cold,
i saw statues of soldiers charging cannons;
they fell young and bold.
my great black Mercedes flashing chrome
i finally escaped Paris and headed for Rome.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself