Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

coasting down the street

you like to fire the wind into my face
expecting me to drop everything
and give chase
with my pants down on the ground
where i least expected to be found
but i'm on strike
i'm climbing the Alp d'Huez on my new bike
leaving you behind
it's an uphill grind
i can't tell you what i'll find
there are screaming crowds along my ascent
i never once wonder where you went
there's plenty of air in each tire
i'm pulling away, getting higher & higher
i love you too much to stop
maybe you'll be waiting at the top
maybe i won't see you on the victory stand
with a cold water bottle in your hand
so don't be angry
because you love me
and i won't get down on one knee
i'm a solitary rider with papers on my seat
forming words which i can never repeat
like a helpless whisper coasting down the street

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself