Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

catch the sparrow

how can you catch the sparrow?

the bone separating from the heart
of the marrow,

and can you hold an angel in your arms
when she's afraid to surrender all her charms?

where does the day go when it's gone?
are we just waiting for another perfect dawn?

are you there to remind me of who i am,
so i can come back and love you all over again?

simple sunshine and a gentle shower
a kiss a lifetime a day an hour
i knew i loved you on the avenue
in a dream i felt it all come true

two together souls and a hungry kiss
a memory saved for a future reminisce
i knew i loved you on the avenue
in a dream i felt it all come true

how can you catch the sparrow?

the bone separating from the heart
of the marrow,

and can you hold an angel in your arms
when she's afraid to surrender all her charms?

where does the day go when it's gone?
are we just waiting for another perfect dawn?

are you there to remind me of who i am,
so i can come back and love you all over again?

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself