Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Thursday, October 21, 2010

don't vote for Jack

my name is wayne
la pee air.
i'm the gay haired blonde
skin headed tattoo drunk
neo hot shit lobbyist
wunderkind breast man
who called last night.
my voice was full of deep sexual
undertones and soft moans of
sitcom repetitions under the
cobwebbed rising of a panting moon
in an x rated television sky.
my buddies and i need your political support.
it's guaranteed hard-on erection viagra-colored
4 hour rock solid penetration ice age
global warming is a hoax
permanent orgasm urgent that
you vote for tommy dickwad
for state senator.
everybody agrees.
you think so, too.
tommy wants to ensure that all men,
even those with severe mental retardation
and a propensity to drink lots of Jack Daniels
are allowed to own modern assault weapons,
taking them to the church of their choice
(for communion, if necessary).
my name is wayne.

don't vote for Jack.
he's on the road again.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself