Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Sunday, September 12, 2010

to be alone

to be alone
on an afternoon
in the snow of winter
or the bloom of June

no shining moon
no starry night
no sweet love song
or heart's delight

no friendly smile
no silly joke
no fond daydream
from which i woke

they never pass
without a thought
of you my lady
for whom i sought

no Fleetwood Mac
no Tulsa whore
could ever satisfy
how i adore

no mountainside
no hill top view
has ever been able
to equal you

to be alone
in the Albert Hall
where all the people stare
in holes so small

to be alone
on a Prudence path
where all the people cry
while i had to laugh

i've never been
without a thought
of you my lady
for whom i sought

no mountainside
no hill top view
has ever been able
to equal you

i'd love to be with you

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself