Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

my new six shooter

trying to drink the water
on this crazy cowboy ride
pulled my new six shooter
with you sitting by my side

trying to sip the sunshine
from a beachfront party bowl
went to find my savior
who was hiding with my soul

where we're going is a mystery
and how we get there is a mess
so don't ask me any questions
'cause all i'll do is guess

trying to find the tunnel
on a back yard midnight walk
watched the time and wondered
if you'll listen while i talk

trying to hear the singer
on a crowded downtown show
went to find the answer
there was nowhere else to go

trying to learn the address
of a weekend fashion rave
went dressed as a vampire
there was no one there to save

trying to read by starlight
with the curtain rising near
flipped the page and wondered
why no memories are here

trying to drink the water
on this crazy cowboy ride
pulled my new six shooter
with you sitting by my side

where we're going is a mystery
and how we get there is a mess
so don't ask me any questions
'cause all i'll do is guess

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself