Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

the BOSS

the trees are sagging under a clear cut weight
dying inside your paper plate
eating with a plastic fork and spoon
American cheese from the neon moon
there's a convoy headed for the Jersey shore
to find the BOSS but his band's no more

the ocean whales are singing nature's song
while being harpooned and it won't be long
floods and famine and mouths to feed
genetically modified cropland seed
in a Richter Scale for the highest score
the human army marching off to war

the BOMB droning high overhead
is warning everyone will soon be dead
all religion and GOD and sainted souls
in overpopulated city holes
their sprawl is coming to the Arctic ice
with Cinderella and her carriage mice

the schools are filling with study halls
and ringing bells and shopping malls
the strong perfume and a touch of class
smiling at the world through graveyard glass
the ARK is sailing down a coastal road
on a cresting wave with it's empty load

at midnight the African lions sleep
dreams they have can make mothers weep
and poets and lovers on the ballroom floor
pimping WALL STREET for the business whore
there's a convoy headed for the Jersey shore
to find the BOSS but his band's no more

the weeping gypsies on a desert ride
in their caravan with a note inside
addressed to famous men who've lied
it lists the names of all who died
there's a convoy headed for the Jersey shore
to find the BOSS but his band's no more

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself