Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Monday, April 1, 2024

along for the ride

tiny pieces of my heart

well, where should i start?

upside down, left side, right side:

there's nowhere to hide

but i'm along for the ride;

someone is telling the truth and someone lied:

i remind myself that i've always tried!

and when finally i climb to the top,

even then the pains never stop.

but between the rounds, after the bell sounds

there's just a simple bloody nose;

is this the lesson that everybody already knows?

digging deeper and the road keeps getting steeper,

but plugging away helps me on my way,

tapping toes, 

watching to see which way the wind blows

and that's good enough for me, holding my own key.

opening doors, sweeping floors

thinking it's really not too hard,

shuffling along with just one playing card:

there's somebody singing my favorite song

so how can i ever go wrong?

tumble weeds and flower seeds,

Sheryl Crow and mistletoe 

that's about all i care to know:

tiny pieces of my heart

well, where should i start?

upside down, left side, right side:

there's nowhere to hide

but i'm along for the ride;

someone is telling the truth and someone lied:

i remind myself that i've always tried!

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself