Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Monday, April 22, 2024

a nuclear Iran

the grilled chicken salad was a perfect meal

and you were the perfect guest,
as i watched you easily eat your plate clean
with a fork and a knife:

what an appetite for life!

it appeared to me that you enjoyed
our time together:

my iced root beer wasn't able to
provide any profound statements,
although i sipped with eagerness.

the grilled hamburger i ate resulted in an
onion burp far removed from our table
but i covered my mouth and apologized
to no one in particular.

it's true, as we discussed, that a nuclear Iran would pose
regional balance-of-power issues!

what is not certain is if the Israeli
Air Force will send 100 (+/-) fighter jets
on a preemptive attack against these nuclear
facilities, creating awful uncertainty.

but it seems certain that Muslim terrorism is 
a growing worry worldwide.

Hamas and Hezbollah, hear me!

October 7, & a redux, perhaps?

climbing over the rubble?

what is not understood is how to address this

there are historical facts about Islamic
expansionism that we can know with certitude,

but IS this truly expansionism when the land in question has always been lived on,

cared for, kissed and loved?

i have not read the Koran or The Satanic Verses,

but perhaps in uneasy dreams, i, too, could become a suicide bomber, 
wearing an explosive vest or belt,

anxious to express my outrage and defiance!

the Middle East is on the knife edge, and all blades are historically sharp.

we also have sharp eyes to see what is necessary,

and eyes to cry, as well as to see suffering.

but who will publish the guide book?

and i trust you didn't have too much trouble
digesting our meal together,

assuming you saw it clearly.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself