Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Friday, February 19, 2021

to cook the golden goose

on the far side of the tracks

she kept riding on the backs

of her best friends

searching for a timely excuse

to cook the golden goose

of a guy who once crossed her path

after stealing several thousand dreams from her pocket.

she got pretty mad

and went looking for a heavy hammer

to smack his dishonest stammer

into a straight line of honest speech.

he ran up a fireman's ladder to escape her reach

but was exiled

and twisted out of sorts

when her friends, like supreme courts,

passed judgement by explaining why

he wouldn't get the electric chair.

he said many men liked to flirt

part of life was getting hurt

taking a piece of a young woman's heart

was such an easy part.

she hoped to see who he really was


although he moved over to the other side

where damaged people went to hide

she wanted to know why some men lied.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself