Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Monday, February 8, 2021

to the center of time

on the road to the center of time

shifting gears from one to four

bouncing across the damn hard floor

landing at your feet

'cause i always knew that someday we'd meet

in the middle of the main street

and it might be midnight

or just about high noon

wouldn't want to be too soon

and wouldn't want to arrive late

hoping to open your front gate

hand you a summer flower like a perfect rose

whatever you propose

well, i'll give it a try

on my heart there's a big bulls-eye

that you can see

it's shaped anyway you want it to be

and we're almost ready for our next meal

moving from almost perfect to just about ideal

on the road to the center of time

shifting gears from one to four

bouncing across the damn hard floor

landing at your feet

'cause i always knew that someday we'd meet

in the middle of the main street

and it might be midnight

or just about high noon

wouldn't want to be too soon

and wouldn't want to arrive late

hoping to open your front gate,

hand you a summer flower like a perfect rose

whatever you propose

well, i'll give it a try

on my heart there's a big bulls-eye

that you can see

it's shaped anyway you want it to be

and we're almost ready for our next meal

moving from almost perfect to just about ideal.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself