Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

take a knee

i didn't hear what you just said
it was something about me and bed
but i'm too tired;
i haven't been hired
to mow your grass
'cause i'm running on empty
and you're all wired
i'll need to stop to fill my glass
take a drink
take another moment to really think
about what you're asking me:
should i stay or should i flee?
stand at attention or take a knee?
there was a time when i knew
i always wanted a bite of you
but my teeth are worn
and your dress is torn
we drove off the road into a muddy field
i lost control and cracked my wind shield
i saw snakes and rats,
heard barking dogs and pussycats;
saw myself as a lonely child;
heard you answer the call of the wild.
you saw party dust and colored lights,
jumping jack flash and bar room fights.
and we arrived too late
with nothing on our plate
and the crowds were gone
it was hours before dawn
i guess we had our fun
or so they say
you took a seat
but i didn't want to stay.
i didn't hear what you just said
it was something about me and bed
but i'm too tired;
i haven't been hired
to mow your grass
'cause i'm running on empty
and you're all wired
i'll need to stop to fill my glass
take a drink
take another moment to really think
about what you're asking me:
should i stay or should i flee?
stand at attention or take a knee?

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself