Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Monday, July 6, 2020

and then King got shot

and then King got shot
asking for a 15 cent raise
watching the garbage fill a back alley can,
hoping to stall the ending of our days.
and the sun was hot
even though the night was near;
there were protests in the streets,
for what exactly wasn't clear.
voices rose and fell
with the ringing of the Liberty bell
in Philadelphia near the square,
raising expectations everywhere!
but it had a crack on one side
as the hammer struck a note.
King held a paper in his hand;
it was a sermon he once wrote,
that one day this nation would rise
to cast off hatred and lies,
to live out the true meaning of its creed
so men no longer need to bleed
for the color of their skin.
he had a dream from the past
that all of God's children would be free at last!
and then King got shot.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
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