Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Monday, July 27, 2020

now hear this and hear it now

beware of dinosaurs!
flirty party animals,
drop dead donors and night time moaners!
bright bald heads
and blues and reds
and sirens announcing
from far down the street
policemen wearing combat boots on their feet,
shooting balls of hateful heat:
big time cops walking the beat,
arresting everyone they'd meet!
lawn mowers
dads with leaf blowers
moms from the present tense
jumping the fence
teenage werewolves
totem pole fools
midnight garbage eaters
of course your parking meters
babies in soiled diapers
windshield wipers 
on the prowl
now hear this and hear it now:
they'll gladly arrest a Jersey cow
for utter exposure in the street;
it's not who you are but who you meet.
cross the line or dot the i
writing obituaries in the sky
popping pills to hide the chills.
beware of dinosaurs!
flirty party animals,
drop dead donors and night time moaners!
which way do you go
to find yourself 
in the land of innuendo?
in a cell
without a window.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself