Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Monday, February 1, 2016

what they had once remembered

into the Welcome Hotel
the guests emptied one by one
in a stately procession of inebriation
and exhaustion,
an occupation which did not interfere
with their daily jobs
of acting like bitches
about everything modern.
of course they colored themselves in a
favorable light:
often very witty and gay,
they laughed round-the-clock
and smeared candle grease on the floor
with bits of ribbon and torn cloth.
exhaling the cigarette smoke of
Western civilization,
the party-goers noisily turned out the remaining lights
and began to fight among themselves,
punching at reasonable suggestions for rest
while struggling with their balance.
suddenly, a young girl with beautiful blue eyes above her Greek nose
held her big breasts up to the high ceiling
and physically pushed them out of sight
into the waiting mouth of a hungry lover,
and her ass disappeared into the floor
before the astonished crowd
could understand what they had once remembered.
the sight was intimidating and terrible
and it lasted but mere seconds,
and in that brief time an entire world disappeared
along with everyone who kept acting
excited and yet were completely unfulfilled.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself