Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Thursday, February 4, 2016

inside a box

i could be a shut in
adrift inside a box
you could reach for me
we'd become a paradox
crossing the nearest crowded street
we'd finally be allowed to meet
the storm clouds would disappear
i'd dry your final tear
would we have anything more to fear?
well, i don't think so
looking out my future window
i'd see busy needles and a single bed
images of worker bees; everyone wearing red
intersection signals, sisters, brothers
designer heroin pause and shudder
like maple syrup dripping in the air
sweet body odor and sweet despair
crowd sourcing on a Manhattan bus
watching in amusement all the fuss
and early Friday we drove into overtime
cheap champagne, cigarettes, more red blood wine
a white light to blind my soul
naked bathers urging me to come and go
i found you sitting on the corner of Fifth and Third
the strangest sight i ever heard
a French girl she couldn't have been five foot two
a playwright sipping from his artistic shoe
no religious signs; no eulogy
he stood up and started chasing me
i could be a shut in
adrift inside a box
you could reach for me
we'd become a paradox
crossing the nearest crowded street
we'd finally be allowed to meet
the storm clouds would disappear
i'd dry your final tear
would we have anything more to fear?

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself