Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

it swings open

from the upper deck
the view was lovely
there were tangerines everywhere
and apple pie with cinnamon and other spices
orchids scented the air
with their cascades of colorful flair
a guitar player walked nearby
i could almost hear her cry
she shuffled past with curious sharps and impending flats
amid some applause and a scattering of tipped hats
her fine black hair and scared eyes
with a song about men and their eventual lies:
hmmm, what would they do for ultimate pleasure?
eye the flight of a bird or dig for buried treasure?
well, if that was all she had
it was all very sad
like the shadow of a pink elephant
and you want it to fly but it can't
her hand manipulated the many strings
my hand grabbed the doorknob and it swings

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
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