Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

opening a new door

in the studio
your chic outfit hung on my wall
a week or two later
it remained suspended
unwrapped and naked,
like a secret love
in chains
and it remains
underneath a black light
inside the dead of night
and in the daytime, too,
a foot without a shoe
walking across my back
inside a tight caress
a braided rope like a vagina-like harness
unleashing a sexuality
for hours and years
of sweat-stained sheets and fears
and the masterpiece
walking around the bedroom
where no window held a view
it wasn't only i
it was you, too
agape with your wide mouth up in smoke
and your fingers up my ass
from where i can see your silhouette
trying to get everything you can get
and a larger one of me
holding the great key
opening a new door
lovemaking on a frozen floor
with an eye at the end of my penis.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself