Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Friday, October 12, 2012

Michael L. Marchiori (Dec. 8, 1950 - Nov. 7, 2007)

You have left me
without the embrace of your arms.
5 years have passed and I'm searching for your smile
and simple charms,
 finding only empty air.
I look everywhere and you're not there.
My wound is raw and also the pain;
while friends say "Move on!"
I can't and remain
thinking about you as I did before,
whispering your name at night and more.
It's been a hard 5 years without your touch,
the touch I miss so very much.
And your voice and gentle laughter:
when the last supper is over and after
I retire for the day,
I can still hear you say
"I love you, JoAnn!"
and I love you more,

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