Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Friday, October 19, 2012

Guitar with Missing Pillows

an eye at the end of my penis
saw your hips clench convulsively together
at three o'clock in the afternoon.
a sharp noise had diverted our attention and i went limp
with exhaustion while you began to pray.
your knuckles looked hammered onto each other
when i rose to check the door.
3 carpenter's nails were wedged into the jamb,
and from each nail hung a loose piece of small paper and i
dared to read the writing.
secrecy having always been a game you misunderstood,  i wouldn't
tell you what i saw,
but when i returned to your room, you were gone.
the guitar you had been playing was on the bed,
strings still loosely wrapped around a neck,
impressively out of tune.
in the shadows of the late day, i saw the fruit bowl without fruit
left in place after your departure.
the old wall paper embellished with the flight of a bird continued to
cover up the fading paint.
a rising wind blew outside the window.
you must have cleared away my clothes, since i couldn't find them,
and all the pillows were gone.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
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