Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Monday, May 31, 2010

rattlesnake country

i am a cowboy
on the Texas prairie
riding my horse like an electric guitar
to dusty El Paso on the morning star
hitting the high notes
by my drunken camp fire
watching the low end
waiting for the dawn
drinking my warm beer until i'm crazy and gone
whistling for coffee
cattle and women
finding some water in a hole to go swimming
wide open spaces
and Alamo charm
a late night saloon with Yellow Rose on my arm
running from Dallas
no showing my face
it won't be tomorrow that the hanging takes place
i am a cowboy
a brand on my ass
heading to Austin and going first class
girl on my saddle
whiskey in my throat
humming a tune that honey just wrote
rattlesnake country
and devil weed town
no sheriff's posse can be pulling me down
i am a cowboy
on the Texas prairie
riding my horse like an electric guitar
a six gun will shoot you where ever you are
riding my horse like an electric guitar
i am a cowboy
on an American star

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself