Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Monday, May 17, 2010

Maria Callas

when she said it was evolution
i was too damn small
i heard Maria Callas singing
in the Milano opera hall
and she was absolutely divine
so i thought i'd take a chance
i wore my evening jacket
but couldn't find my pants
i heard Keith Richards play
when i was just seventeen
he was absolutely wildly crazy
verging on the obscene
when she said it was evolution
i was too damn dumb
i took my tail and bellowed
with my long hair and my thumb
i watched Ari Onassis
wear his glasses in the shade
he accumulated people
and i knew he had it made
i watched Mick Jagger
wear his penis on his nose
he accumulated people
and he liked them without clothes
when she said it was evolution
i was too damn blind
i wrote a note to Santa Claus
but it was one he would not find
and when she drew my attention
to the force of gravity
i told her i could defy it
so i climbed back into my tree
i heard Maria Callas singing
with a butterfly in her hair
her voice like angel flowers
vocal passion everywhere
when she said it was evolution
i was too damn naive
i heard Maria Callas singing
and it was impossible to leave.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself