Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Lady so-and-so

she had a sharp witch's nose
which ran wildly into the street
with her full head of curly hair
and then a hasty retreat
from the traffic of busy old age
which brushed her and spun her around
she was really a wonderful lady
and made nary a frightful sound
i met her one day on the sand
of a desolate road in the hills
and we played with the drums there about
which always provided her thrills
the drumming which bloodied our hands
first one then on to the other
she pampered me more than an hour
i left when she looked like my mother
but her words then ran down my back
like stripes on a tiger in pain
followed my flight into town
and haunted my sleeping again.

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
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