Cotopaxi, Ecuador (summer 2012)

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

the bread crumb trail

take this hand which will not shake
tell the world i've been consumed
the circus ride has now resumed
and all it wants to do is take
my self pity spread across the golden city
i'm getting dressed in nighttime pants
and powdered lips and a white lie tie
when you look at me i want to die
all i wanted was your romance
all i found was a heavy heart of steel
i can't find your better self
i can't even find myself
i can' tell you what is real
i gave myself a castle and a crowded walk
a princess and a fractured fairy tale
i looked for you on the bread crumb trail
but i never heard you talk
forty days and forty nights i groan
eating all the sadness on my plate
i'm living but i'll never hesitate
i'm living but i like it all alone
i'm living but i want to see you
when you're looking just for me
when we're both simply free
not approximately
but wholly

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Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006

Jessica in Madrid, Spring 2006
daughter is empowering herself